Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sample Question papers of II sem MBA I mid

1.What do you mean by finance function explain the scope and nature of finance function?

1.Explain the goals of finance functions?
2.Explain the diffrence between future value and present value in the basic valuation model?
3.What do you mean by Investment decision and explain the process of investment decision?
4. Explain the Capital budgetinng and techniques?
5.Explain the project genaration and project evaluation?

  1. Explain the operation research and nature and scope of O.R 
  1. Define the model and types of models?
  2. Explain the applications of operation researchin different managerial areas?
  3. Explain the process for developing an operation research?
  4. Explain the linear programming methods.
  5. Define the structure of LPP

Friday, May 2, 2014

MBA-II-sem-I-mid-Important questions

Answer all Questions under Part-A and 3 questions under Part-B
Part-A(16 marks)
a)Define HRM and write the duties of HR -4marks
b)what are the trends in nature of work?-4marks
c)High Performance Work systems-4 marks
d)Basics of Job Analysis-4 marks

Part-B(3X8=24 marks)
1.What are the methods for collecting job analysis information?
2.Write about Job enlargement and Job enrichment
3.Explain about Recruitment and Selection process.
4.What are the sources of Recruitment?
5.Basic types of Interviews.

Answer all Questions under Part-A and 3 questions under Part-B
Part-A(16 marks)
a)Define MIS and write the importance of MIS -4marks
b)Structure and classification of MIS-4marks
c)What are the differnet types of Information?-4 marks
d)What is the role of Information systems in Competitive Advantage-4 marks

Part-B(3X8=24 marks)
1.What is meant by E-commerce?
2.Distinguish between ERP systems and DSS.
3.What is Information systems planning.
4.What is the necessity of Knowledge management system?
5.System Acquisition.

Answer all Questions under Part-A and 3 questions under Part-B
Part-A(16 marks)
a)Define Marketing Management and write the scope of Marketing -4marks
b)Write about Core Marketing concepts-4marks
c)Developed Vs Developing markets-4 marks
d)How do create Customer Value-4 marks

Part-B(3X8=24 marks)
1.What is meant Marketing Environment?
2.Write about Market Research.
3.How do you analyse Consumer Markets?
4.Explain Product Life Cycle(PLC).
5.What are the different types of Products?

Answer all Questions under Part-A and 3 questions under Part-B
Part-A(16 marks)
a)Define Business Ethics and write the levels of Business Ethics -4 marks
b)Can Business Ethics be Taught and Trained ?-4 marks
c)What are the Ethics of Marketing Professionals ?-4 marks
d)How do overcome the Ethical Dilemma ?-4 marks

Part-B(3X8=24 marks)
1.What are the stages of Moral development?
2.Write about Principles of Ethics.
3.What are the Mounting Scandals?
4.Briefly explain about Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism.
5.What is the necessity of maintaining Ethics in Media Reporting?